Relevant Publications:
- Di Cairano, S., Guardiola, C., Malikopoulos, A.A., Seigel, J. “Future Impact and Challenges of Automotive Control,” in The Impact of Automatic Control Research on Industrial Innovation: Enabling a Sustainable Future, John Wiley & Sons, 2023.
- Malikopoulos, A.A. Real-Time, Self-Learning Identification and Stochastic Optimal Control of Advanced Powertrain Systems, ProQuest, September 2011.
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Papalambros, P.Y., and Assanis, D.N., “Online Identification and Stochastic Control for Autonomous Internal Combustion Engines,” Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, Vol.132, 2, pp.024504-9, 2010 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., “Convergence Properties of a Computational Learning Model for Unknown Markov Chains,” Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, Vol.131, 4, pp. 041011-7, 2009 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Papalambros, P.Y., and Assanis, D.N., “A Real-Time Computational Learning Model for Sequential Decision-Making Problems Under Uncertainty,” Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control, Vol. 131, 4, pp.041010-8, 2009 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Assanis, D.N., and Papalambros, P.Y., “Real-Time, Self-Learning Optimization of Diesel Engine Calibration,” Eng. Gas Turbines Power, Vol. 131, 2, pp. 022803-9, 2009 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., “A Rollout Control Algorithm for Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems,” Proceedings of the 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2010 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., “Convergence Properties of a Computational Learning Model for Unknown Markov Chains,” Proceedings of the 2008 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), DSCC2008-2174, 2008 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Assanis, D.N. and Papalambros, P.Y., “Optimal Engine Calibration for Individual Driving Styles,” Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, SAE 2008-01-1367, 2008 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Papalambros, P.Y. and Assanis, D.N., “A State-Space Representation Model and Learning Algorithm for Real-Time Decision-Making Under Uncertainty,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2007-41258, 2007 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Assanis, D.N. and Papalambros, P.Y., “Real-Time, Self-Learning Optimization of Diesel Engine Calibration,” Proceedings of the 2007 Technical Conference of the ASME Internal Combustion Engine Division, ICEF2007-1603, 2007 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Papalambros, P.Y. and Assanis, D.N., “A Learning Algorithm for Optimal Internal Combustion Engine Calibration in Real Time,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information In Engineering Conference, DETC2007/DAC-34718, 2007 (pdf).
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Filipi, Z. and Assanis, D.N., “Simulation of an Integrated Starter Alternator (ISA) for the HMMWV,” Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, SAE 2006-01-0442, 2006 (pdf).