Accomplishments of the students in the IDS Lab 2020-2021

The students of the IDS Lab are striving and already making an impact with their research. This is just a snapshot of their accomplishments since the establishment of the IDS lab in the academic year 2020-21:


Logan Beaver, 4th year PhD Student
  1. University Graduate Scholar Award (2021 – 2022)
  2. Helwig Fellowship (2021 – 2022)
  3. Finalist of the Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICCA, 2020
  4. Ranked 85th Percentile in the 14th IEEEXtreme Programming Com- petition (329/2157 in the world; 14/77 in USA), 2020
  5. IEEE Student Travel Award – ACC 2020, 2021 and CDC 2020
Behdad Chalaki, 4th year PhD Student
  1. Nominated for the College of Engineering Award for Graduate Student Excellence in Research, 2020-2021
  2. Receipient of the Graduate Achievement Award by the mechanical engineering department in recognition of excellent scholarship and creativity in engineering, as recommended by the faculty, 2020-2021.
  3. Nominated for University Doctoral Fellowship Award, MEEG Department, 2021
  4. Ranked 85th Percentile in the 14th IEEEXtreme Programming Com- petition ( 329/2157 in the world; 14/77 in USA), 2020
  5. Finalist of the Best Student Paper Award, IEEE ICCA, 2020
Ioannis Vasileios Chremos, 3rd year PhD student
  1. Graduate Student Government Outstanding Senator Award 2020-21, University of Delaware; Awarded a monetary prize for the significant achievements and contributions in the role of Mechanical Engineering graduate student senator.
  2. College of Engineering Graduate Student Service Award 2021, University of Delaware; This award recognizes a graduate student who is committed to improving the world around them by making contributions to campus, local, national or global communities through either scholarship or community engagement.
  3. Student Travel Support Program, IEEE Control Systems Society (CDC20)
  4. Student Travel Support Program, IEEE Control Systems Society (ACC21)


  1. Mahbub, A M. I., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “A Platoon Formation Framework in a Mixed Traffic Environment,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021.
  2. Dave, A., Chremos, I.V., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Social Media and Misleading Information in a Democracy: A Mechanism Design Approach,” IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 2021.
  3. Mahbub, A M. I., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Conditions to Provable System-Wide Optimal Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Automatica, 131, 109751, 2021.
  4. Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “An Overview on Optimal Flocking,” Annual Reviews in Control, 2021.
  5. Chalaki, B. and Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Optimal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Multiple Adjacent Intersections,” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2021 (in press).
  6. Malikopoulos, A.A., Beaver, L.E., and Chremos, I.V., “Optimal Time Trajectory and Coordination for Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Automatica, 125, 109469, 2021.
  7. Chalaki, B. and Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Time-Optimal Coordination for Con- nected and Automated Vehicles at Adjacent Intersections,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021 (provisionally accepted).
  8. Chremos, I.V., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Design and Stability Analysis of a Shared Mobility Market,” Proceedings of the 2021 European Control Conference.
  9. Chalaki, B., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “A Hysteretic Q-learning Coordination Framework for Emerging Mobility Systems in Smart Cities,” Proceedings of the 2021 European Control Conference.
  10. Bang, H., Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Energy-Optimal Goal Assignment of Multi-Agent Systemwith Goal Trajectories in Polynomials,” Proceedings of the 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, pp. 1228–1233, 2021.
  11. Beaver, L. E., Dorothy, M., Kroninger, C., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Energy-Optimal Motion Planning for Agents: Barycentric Motion and Collision Avoidance Constraints,” Proceedings of 2021 American Control Conference, pp. 1037–1042, 2021.
  12. Kumaravel, S.D., Malikopoulos, A. A., and Ayyagari, R., “Decentralized Cooperative Merging of Platoons of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Highway On-Ramps,” Proceedings of 2021 American Control Conference, pp. 2051–2056, 2021.
  13. Chremos, I.V., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Social Resource Allocation in a Mobility System with Connected and Automated Vehicles: A Mechanism Design Problem,” Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 2642–2647, 2020.
  14. Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Beyond Reynolds: A Constraint-Driven Approach to Cluster Flocking,” Proceedings of the 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 208–213, 2020.
  15. Beaver, L. E., Chalaki, B., Mahbub, A. M., Zhao, L., Zayas, R., & Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Demonstration of a Time-Efficient Mobility System Using a Scaled Smart City,” Vehicle System Dynamics, 58, 5, 787— 804, 2020.
  16. Chalaki, B. and Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Robust Learning-Based Trajectory Plan- ning for Emerging Mobility Systems,” 2021 (in review).
  17. Chalaki, B. and Malikopoulos, A. A., ”A Hysteretic Q-learning Coordination Framework for Emerging Mobility Systems in Smart Cities,” Proceedings of the 2021 European Control Conference, 2021 (to appear).
  18. Chalaki, B., Beaver, L. E., Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Experimental Validation of a Real-Time Optimal Controller for Coordination of CAVs in a Multi-Lane Roundabout,” Proceedings of 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 504- 509, 2020.
  19. Chalaki, B., Beaver, L. E., Remer, B., Jang, K., Vinitsky, E., Bayen, A., & Malikopoulos, A. A., ”Zero-Shot Autonomous Vehicle Policy Transfer: From Simulation to Real-World via Adversarial Learning,” Proceedings of IEEE 16th International Conference on Control & Automation, pp. 35-40, 2020, — (Best Student Paper — finalist).
  20. Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “An Energy-Optimal Framework for Assignment and Trajectory Generation in Teams of Autonomous Agents,” Systems & Control Letters, 138, 2020.
  21. Mahbub, A M. I., Malikopoulos, A.A., and Zhao, L., “Decentralized Optimal Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles for Multiple Traffic Scenarios,” Automatica, 117, 108958, 2020.
  22. Zhao, L., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Enhanced Mobility with Connectivity and Automation: A Review of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Systems,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2020.
  23. Chremos, I.V., Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Social Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 2214–2219, 2020.
  24. Dave, A., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Structural Results for Decentralized Stochastic Control with a Word of-Mouth Communication” Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, pp. 2796–2801, 2020.
  25. Mahbub, A M., I., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Conditions for State and Control Constraint Activation in Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, pp. 436–441, 2020.
  26. Mahbub, A M. I., Malikopoulos, A.A., and Zhao, L., “Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Corridor,” Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, pp. 1185–1190, 2020.
  27. Beaver, L. E., Kroninger, C., Malikopoulos, A.A., “An Optimal Control Approach to Flocking,” Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, pp. 683–688, 2020.
  28. Mahbub, A M. I., Malikopoulos, A. A., “Concurrent Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Operation Using Connectivity and Automation,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0580, 2020.
  29. Mahbub, A M. I., Karri, V., Parikh, D., Jade, S., Malikopoulos, A. A., “A Decentralized Time- and Energy Optimal Control Framework for Connected Automated Vehicles: From Simulation to Field Test,” SAE Technical Paper 2020-01-0579, 2020.