Accomplishments of the students in the IDS Lab
The students of the IDS Lab are striving and already making an impact with their research. This is just a snapshot of their accomplishments since the establishment of the IDS lab in the summer of 2017:
Logan Beaver, 3rd year PhD Student
- University Graduate Scholar Award 2020, University of Delaware
- Graduate Student Achievement Award 2020, University of Delaware
- Graduate Travel Grant, 2019 Learning for Dynamic Control Conference, MIT
- Summer Doctoral Fellowship Award, 2018
- Helwig Fellowship (Fall 2017 – Present)
Behdad Chalaki, 3rd year PhD Student
- Awarded first place in poster presentation at MEEG graduate research showcase for prospective students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, 2019.
- Awarded travel grant for east coast optimization meeting, George Mason University, 2019.
- Graduate Travel Grant, 2019 Learning for Dynamic Control Conference, MIT
Ioannis Vasileios Chremos, 2nd year PhD student
- Nominated by the Graduate College of the University of Delaware to represent the university for consideration of the Google Ph.D. Fellowship 2020.
Aditya Dave, 3rd year PhD Student
- Graduate Travel Grant, 2019 Learning for Dynamic Control Conference, MIT
A.M. Ishtiaque (Ishti) Mahbub, 3rd year PhD Student
- UD Collection-Based Research Grant, University of Delaware, 2019.
- UD Professional Development Award, University of Delaware, 2019
- Graduate Travel Grant, 2019 Learning for Dynamic Control Conference, MIT
- Outstanding Presentation Award, 8th Annual Graduate Students’ Forum, University of Delaware, 2019
Journal Publications:
- Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “An Energy-Optimal Framework for Assignment and Trajectory Generation in Teams of Autonomous Agents,” Systems & Control Letters, 2020 (forthcoming).
- Mahbub, A M., I., Malikopoulos, A.A., and Zhao, L., “Decentralized Optimal Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles for Multiple Traffic Scenarios,” Automatica, 117, 2020 (forthcoming).
- Zhao, L., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Enhanced Mobility with Connectivity and Automation: A Review of Shared Autonomous Vehicle Systems,” IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, 2019 (forthcoming).
- Beaver, L. E., Chalaki, B., Mahbub, A. M., Zhao, L., Zayas, R., & Malikopoulos, A. A., “Demonstration of a Time-Efficient Mobility System Using a Scaled Smart City,” Vehicle System Dynamics, 58, 5, 787- 804, 2020.
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Charalambous, C.D., and Tzortzis, I., “The Average Cost of Markov Chains Subject to Total Variation Distance Uncertainty,” Systems & Control Letters, 120 (2018), 29-35.
- Malikopoulos, A. A., Hong, S., Park, B., Lee, J., and Ryu, S. “Optimal Control for Speed Harmonization of Automated Vehicles,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst., 20, 7, 2405–2417, 2019.
- Rios-Torres, J., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Impact of Partial Penetrations of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Fuel Consumption and Traffic Flow,” IEEE Trans. Intell. Veh., Vol. 3, 4, pp. 453–462, 2018.
- Malikopoulos, A.A., Cassandras, C.G., and Zhang, Y.Z, “A Decentralized Energy-Optimal Control Framework for Connected Automated Vehicles at Signalized-Free Intersections,” Automatica, 93, 244–256, 2018.
Peer-reviewed Conference Publications:
- Chremos, I.V., Beaver, L. E., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Social Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2020 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2020 (to appear).
- Chalaki, B., Beaver, L. E., Malikopoulos, A. A., “Experimental Validation of a Real-Time Optimal Controller for Coordination of CAVs in a Multi-Lane Roundabout, 31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2020 (to appear).
- Dave, A., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Structural Results for Decentralized Stochastic Control with Word-of-Mouth Communication,” 2020 American Control Conference, 2020 (to appear).
- Beaver, L.E. , Kroninger, C. , and Malikopoulos, A.A., “An Optimal Control Approach to Flocking” Proceedings of the 2020 American Control Conference, 2020 (to appear).
- Mahbub, A M I.; Malikopoulos, A A; Zhao, Liuhui, “Impact of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Corridor”, Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, 2020 (to appear).
- Mahbub, A M I.; Malikopoulos, A A; Conditions for State and Control Constraint Activation in Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles”, Proceedings of 2020 American Control Conference, 2020 (to appear).
- Mahbub, A M I.; Malikopoulos, A A; “Concurrent Optimization of Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Operation Using Connectivity and Automation”, SAE Technical Paper, 2020-01-0580, 2020.
- Mahbub, A M I.; Karri, Vasanthi; Parikh, Darshil; Jade, Shyam; Malikopoulos, A A; “{A Decentralized Time- and Energy-Optimal Control Framework for Connected Automated Vehicles: From Simulation to Field Test”, SAE Technical Paper, 2020-01-0579, 2020.
- Dave, A., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Decentralized Stochastic Control in Partially Nested Information Structures,” 8th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2019.
- Beaver, L.E. and Malikopoulos, A.A. , “A Decentralized Control Framework for Energy-Optimal Goal Assignment and Trajectory Generation” Proceedings of the 58th Conference on Decision and Control, 2019.
- Malikopoulos, A.A., and Zhao, L., “Optimal Path Planning for Connected and Automated Vehicles at Urban Intersections,” Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2019, pp. 1261-1266, 2019.
- Zhao, L; Mahbub, A M I.; Malikopoulos, A A; “Optimal Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles”, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, pp. 33-38, 2019.
- Chalaki, B. and Malikopoulos, A. A., “An Optimal Coordination Framework for Connected and Automated Vehicles in two Interconnected Intersections,” Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, pp. 888-893, 2019.
- Jang, K., Vinitsky, E., Chalaki, B., Remer, B., Beaver, L. E., Malikopoulos, A. A., & Bayen, A. , “Simulation to scaled city: zero-shot policy transfer for traffic control via autonomous vehicles”, proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 291-300, 2019.
- Zhao, L., Malikopoulos, A.A., and Rios-Torres, J., “On the Traffic Impacts of Optimally Controlled Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2019, pp. 882-887, 2019.
- Zhao, L., Mahbub, A M., I., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Optimal Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Control for Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2019, pp. 33-38, 2019.
- Malikopoulos, A.A., and Zhao, L., “A Closed-Form Analytical Solution for Optimal Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2019 American Control Conference, 2019, pp. 3599–3604, 2019.
- Mahbub, A M I.; Zhao, L; Assanis, D; Malikopoulos, A A; “Energy-Optimal Coordination of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Multiple Intersections”, Proceeding of 2019 IEEE American Control Conference, pp. 2664–2669, 2019.
- Remer, B., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “The Multi-objective Dynamic Traveling Salesman Problem: Last Mile Delivery with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Assistance,” Proceedings of 2019 American Control Conference, 2019, pp. 5304–5309, 2019.
- Zhao, L., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Decentralized Optimal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Corridor,” Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 1252–1257, 2018.
- Assanis, D, D., Zhao, L., and Malikopoulos, A.A., “Characterization of the new Class of Driving Cycles for Connected and Automated Vehicles,” Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 3668–3673, 2018.
- Stager, A., Bhan, L., Malikopoulos, A.A., L. Zhao, “A Scaled Smart City for Experimental Validation of Connected and Automated Vehicles”, Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018), pp. 120–135, 2018.
- Zhao, L., Malikopoulos, A.A., Rios-Torres, J., “Optimal Control of Connected and Automated Vehicles at Roundabouts: An Investigation in a Mixed-Traffic Environment,” Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems (CTS 2018), pp. 73–78, 2018.